Did you know that Dudeoir as it is known today got a major push from Vancouver Island? In fact, it could be considered a local original. Photographer Masika May struck it LARGE when her Dudeoir photoshoot in 2015 went viral world wide and started a craze for men to own their sexiness, both seriously and humourously. For a full break down of the story, visit her Dudeoir dedicated website!
Mr G and I had been trying to cross paths for almost a year before this wonderful session finally came to be. Between his complete upheaval at home, and my schedule, it almost seemed like it was never going to happen. But LATE in October on a Monday afternoon in my favourite little boutique hotel in Sidney, BC (The Beacon Inn), it finally happened! A little awkward at first (it usually is, but quickly passes!), Mr G found his familiarity in front of the lens and he became more at ease as we worked and chatted. Such a wonderful experience!
As always, all images on boudoir/dudeoir posts have been cleared and approved by those in the images before posting.