Have you ever seen something and felt an electric vibe run through you? It screams “I want to make that!”
When local model Deo responded to a model call about a rainy day shoot, we started making a mood board. Out of the images Deo selected, a bright neon picture shot at night stood out above all. I had to figure it out! How did they make it? Gels? Off Camera Flash? How many? What kind?
I enlisted Pat Tennant, neon enthusiast, to help me figure out the details. We were going to work with a cyberpunk feeling. We spent an evening scouting locations downtown. We visited Waddington Alley, Market Square, Fan Tan Alley and Centennial Square. A week later we had Deo with us. I brought every bit of my accessories that lit up, including two umbrellas and a pair of headphones. Deo outdid herself with her costuming and make up.
Even though the finished product isn’t perfect, I wanted to blog it. I’m proud of going outside of my comfort zone, collaborating with another photographer, planning to the level we did, and going for it. Overall it was very successful! I look forward to revisiting this subject in the future, when I’ve polished the end product.